Highway 1 at Bay/Porter Subject to Full Closure for 15 Minutes in Early Morning Hours of Sunday Oct. 29
Both directions of Highway 1 between Bay Ave./Porter St. and Park Ave. will be subject to a full closure of up to 15 minutes on Sunday Oct. 29 between 12:01 am and 5:00 am.
Between 12:01 am and 5:00 am, CHP will conduct a single rolling traffic break to stop travel in both directions of Hwy. 1 for 15 minutes.
Crews will use the break in traffic to stretch new utility cables across the roadway some 30 feet away from their present location adjacent to the Capitola Ave. bridge. Crews will continue to work away from the highway during the early morning hours without any additional impact to travel on Hwy. 1.
Road information and updates can also be found on Caltrans District 5 Social Media platforms: Twitter at: @CaltransD5, Facebook at: Caltrans Central Coast (District 5) and Instagram at: Caltrans_D5.
Our crews deserve to get home safely too. Drive slowly and carefully in work zones.